So Many to Choose From!

The world of podcasting has exploded! There are so many options and so few hours in a day to dive deep into something that can compel us forward. I am going to attempt to simplify the process of selecting and offer some of my favorites that have positively impacted me both personally and professionally. I realize you may have your own, therefore I encourage you to share in your comment and I will highlight others in a future article.

Several years ago, I was introduced to podcasts and I quickly integrated them into my daily routine to establish and maintain a growth mindset. I learned that my Reticular Activating System (RAS) was being influenced. I will share more about the RAS in a future article. What that meant for me was that I could direct my attention to things that would encourage growth in all areas of my life including my business acceleration.
The Formula for Selecting a Podcast
Where do you begin?